Request an Advisor Appointment Please Choose One OptionJonquil Ridge is pleased to offer complimentary 30-minute initial consulting calls so we can learn more about your challenge at hand and you can learn more about how we work. Please answer a few quick questions to ensure we use that time as efficiently as possible. For your current request, please choose one option: Request an Advisor Call – Choose this option if you’d like to discuss creating an annual customer insights plan for your organization. Request a Project Quote – Choose this option if you’d like to discuss a qualitative market research project, scheduling an upcoming concepting workshop, or support to catalyze a concept you have already developed. Name First Last PhoneEmail Choose Your Option Request an Advisor Call Request a Project Quote HiddenRequest an Advisor CallChoose this option if you’d like to discuss creating an annual customer insights plan for your organization.Do you have a few clear growth strategies articulated for your organization? Yes Maybe No Is your company a product company or a market company? Product company: We make products or services and find markets to sell them to. Market company: We choose market segments to focus on service and create products or services to meet their needs. Both: A product/market company combination. Sometimes we have great products that need a market to sell to. Sometimes we have identified an unmet need with the group buying that initial product and we respond to those needs. Do you have any of the following customer feedback channels currently in place? Rest assured you don’t need to have any of these at all yet! (check all that apply) Single qualitative market research projects as needed with at least one completed within last 12 months. An ongoing quantitative market tracking survey Key customer or key opinion leader advisory board(s) Sales representative advisory boards Secondary market research reports or datafeeds on your market(s) Other: (please specify) None of the above If other, please specify Which of the following best describes your company’s current growth stage? Start-up or newly launching business Small, single product company Medium, multiple product company Large company with portfolio of products Super-large organization with many portfolios of products What type of in-house expertise in market insights/research do you have right now?HiddenRequest a Project QuoteChoose this option if you’d like to discuss a qualitative market research project, scheduling an upcoming concepting workshop, or support to catalyze a concept you have already developed. Which project type do you need? Qualitative market research project Concepting workshop Support to catalyze a concept Other: (please specify) If other, please specify How soon do you need to make decisions with the information from this project? Within a month Within three months Within six months Other: (please specify) If other, please specify What are the top 2-3 questions you are trying to answer?HiddenHow did you hear about us?How did you hear about Jonquil Ridge Innovation? Previous working relationship with JoAnna or Jonquil Ridge Word-of-mouth referral Web search LinkedIn Instagram Email newsletter Other: (please specify) If other, please specify: CAPTCHA Δ